Package travel

Considering booking a travel package in another EU country? In these pages you'll find information on purchasing a trip and advice on avoiding problems.

What is a travel package?

A travel package is a combination of two different travel services purchased for a single total price. Travel services include flights or other transport, accommodation, car rental or other additional services, such as excursions. For example, a package can consist of flights and hotel accommodation purchased at one time.

In the case of a linked travel arrangement, the traveller reserves travel services from different service providers for the same journey or holiday, one at a time and under different contracts. Each company that has sold a travel service is only responsible for its own service.

Minimum protection for travel packages is provided for in directive (EU) 2015/2302. When you acquire your journey from another EU country, you have the rights conferred by the national law of that country, and they fulfil at least the requirements of the directive.

Always review the terms and conditions of the agreement before purchasing a package. Pay particular attention to the terms and conditions for cancelling or amending the trip.

Is it better to buy a package or book trips yourself?

The tour operator is responsible for all the services included in the package, such as transport and accommodation. The purchase of a travel package provides more security than, for example, the purchase of just a flight. More extensive rights apply, for example, to the transfer of a journey to another person. In addition, the tour operator must provide assistance if necessary. Your protection is also improved by the fact that a tour operator is obliged to place a security for the event of insolvency.

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Checklist for those planning a travel package (in Finnish)

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