How to complain

When you are notified that your train service is cancelled or delayed, first ask a representative of the railway company to take care of your rights. If the matter is not resolved, submit a written complaint to the railway company.

  • File a written complaint with the railway company. Most European companies are unable to process complaints in Finnish or Swedish. File the complaint in English.

  • Also attach a copy of your ticket and of the costs of meals and similar services to your complaint. Do not send any original documents.

  • Save a copy of your complaint. If you submit a complaint by using the company’s complaint form, save a copy for yourself.

  • The company shall give its reply or indicate a later date for the reply within one month after receiving the complaint. The time taken to provide the final reply must not be longer than 3 months from the receipt of the complaint.

  • If you do not receive a reply or are not satisfied with it, contact the European Consumer Centre in case of a foreign railway company. For a domestic company, you will receive assistance and advice from Consumer Advisory Services.