Cancellation or delay of a journey

If it is likely that a train service will arrive at your final destination more than 60 minutes late, you can choose from the following options:

1) Refund of ticket price 

You can demand a refund for each cancelled leg of the voyage and an already completed leg of the voyage, if it carries no benefit for the original travel plan. In addition, you have the right to demand a return service to your first point of departure, as set out on your ticket, at the earliest opportunity.

2) Re-routing 

The railway company must arrange for a re-routing to your final destination as soon as possible or at a later date suitable for you, at no additional charge.

3) Continuation of the journey by the delayed train

If you decide to continue your journey by the delayed train, the railway company must offer meals and refreshments free of charge if they are available on board the train or at the station. You can also require a hotel room or other accommodation as well as transport between the railway station and the place of accommodation, if accommodation is required and can be arranged.

The railway company must also pay compensation for the ticket price. The compensation is 25% of the ticket price if the train is delayed by at least one hour at your final station and 50% of the ticket price if the train is delayed by at least 2 hours at your final station.

However, you will not be entitled to a compensation if you have been informed of the delay before purchasing the ticket.

4) Compensation for damage

If you have suffered damage due to a delay or cancellation of the train, you may be entitled to compensation. The compensation is determined by national law. However, the railway company does not compensate for any damage caused, for example, by an issue beyond the control of the railway, which could not have been avoidable despite due diligence.

For instructions on how to make a complaint, see the section on how to complain.